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What sort of events are suitable for tarot reading?
Hen's parties and corporate events are the most popular followed by baby showers, trade fairs and birthdays. Julia has also read for film sets and a few weddings.
Can I book for a child's party?
Yes from ages 12 and up, a child friendly deck is used with fairy stories and readings focus on friendships, family pets, schooling etc. Enquire about my new tween party package.
How does a Hens party usually run?
Hens parties are always fun and lively and my favourite place to be. Depending on where the event is held a quiet spot in the house/function room is set up and girls get readings of about 10 minutes each. If you are in a park Julia will bring a picnic blanket and some cushions - easy! Afterwards group readings can be are done (time permitted) with a different deck, this is a lighter approach and girls (and often Julia herself) always end up laughing as stories of the past are told as everyone interacts and learns how to read for each other.
Are there any bad readings?
No, there are no ridiculous premonitions either. Tarot card readings can sometimes present challenges and readings of this nature are done with solutions and options to any such challenges.
'I'm not sure my guests will approach a tarot table, is this a problem?'
Sometimes people are nervous about being the first one but Julia will always approach a group of people and chat for a minute or so to assure them she is friendly and that there is nothing to fear. The longest delay in starting would be 5 minutes.
We a have a noisy band playing is that a problem?
You will need to find a quiet place in the room/venue. In 15 years of events we have always found a solution
We will be in a resturant will they cater for Julia?
Most resturants will provide a small table as needed.
How does a corporate evening usually run?
Julia has read for 100's of companies such as Microsoft, BHP, ANZ, Optus, The Hilton, Masterfoods and so on
You can try a different approach and use the 'Group Tarot Table' first introduced by GHD at the Sydney Convention Centre for their VIP room in May 2010. Clients sat down with champagne and canapes and 'played tarot' ; a fun, informal and interactive approach this is a great way for networking and to 'break the ice'. Or you can choose a traditional approach or incorporate both options ;
A small table and two chairs are set up in a quieter part of the room ; guests will be immediately interested and often an informal waiting list will be arranged. Readings will be about 5-10 minutes each.
Later in the evening Julia can mingle with guests with a less formal approach as she introduces tarot as a fun and interactive game with a different deck.
You will find that even the most sceptical person will be amused as this is a light hearted and very funny game that always lends itself to laughter. This experience can be valuable for friendship and team building that even 'blokes' will enjoy. Tried and tested time and time again this approach to reading can be very profound and will stay with many people as a powerful, incredible and joyous experience.
‘Thank-you for showing me tarot could be so much fun! ‘ BHP CEO
I have CEO's as well as a lot of male clients, will they enjoy a tarot experience?
Yes the performance will be more humourous, social and light hearted to cater for this sort clientele
Can Julia dress up as a Gypsy?
Not really, this type of look for a tarot reader is a bit dated can hinder the confidence that the clientele needs to have in the reader. Unfortunately there are many tarot readers who adopt this attire as part of an alternative lifestyle choice not always conducive to a professional experience. You may request a cocktail dress, a Gatsby look, Steampunk/Ballroom gown or corporate attire.
Can I book more than one reader?
No there is no-one else who matches Julia's style or professional conduct.
Can I book for longer than 2 hours?
Longer bookings are really only advised for trade fairs etc and breaks will be needed. Call to discuss options.
Can I book for a private reading?
Private readings are only for those whom Julia has met on a job previously, they are not offered to the general public.